Friday, February 24, 2012

What I am Reading

The Year Of The Mayan ProphecyIn 2006 the fringe scholar Daniel Pinchbeck, released his second book, one devoted to the subject of 2012. A literary and metaphysical epic that binds together the cosmological phenomena of our time to support the contention of the Mayan calendar that the year 2012 portends an unprecedented global shift.2012 is a book embedded within the current eschatological climate of terrorism, Iraq, peak oil and global warming gone mad. Pinchbeck's observations on these topics range from the bland - for example, the usual 'sermonizing' about global warming, with little reference to the underlying debates - to the extremely insightful such as his discussion of Nietzsche’s ideas of "will to ignorance" and "will to superficiality", which perhaps provide no better description of the bizarre current global mood of ambivalence and apathy, as world leaders wage wars based on obvious lies.he must be praised for sections discussing the philosophies of Herbert Marcuse - on the failure of industrialization and our indoctrination into what is an irrational system - and most especially Jean Gebser's idea that humanity passes through different consciousness structures, each with "a profoundly different realization of time and space" and that new forms of consciousness arise as sudden mutations. The discussion of Gebser's thoughts in terms of the industrial revolution ( "What led to the invention of the machine? The breaking forth of time?") and how our modern mindset is to the constant acceleration of production and efficiency, certainly resonated with me as a major fault of our current 'consciousness'.


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