Friday, February 17, 2012

Prada men's autumn - winter 2012

Prada runway reminded of a military parade and one certainly didn't need to be in a front-row seat to pick up on the military vibe of the buttoned and belted jackets, spit-shined boots and lapel accessories that evoked the notion of military badging including boutonnières, shield-shaped lapel pins and sunglasses with red-tinted lenses tucked into jacket breast pockets where the models and movie stars marched down the runway, tall and straight on a carpet full of strong colors. British actor Gary Oldman, British actor Jamie Bell, American actor Willem Dafoe ,American actor Garrett Hedlund  and many more actors did wear  creations of Prada men's Fall-Winter 2012-13 collection part of the Milan Fashion Week unveiled in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Jan 15, 2012


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